
Who we are

codeRat is a 5-person left-wing tech collective from Berlin. Since 2016 it is our effort to support groups and initiatives in the field of social-ecological movements by writing and keeping alive custom-made software solutions (mostly web apps), either free of charge or on the basis of donations. Four of us are also currently working as a team at a non-commercial, scientific research institute.

It is important to us to address hierarchies (e.g. due to different levels of knowledge and experience) as well as differences in privileges (e.g. biographical origin, gender, income from wage labour) and to reduce these by solidary cooperation. We realise all this through skill sharing and a joint collective fund, in which we keep money for the operation of server infrastructure, meeting costs, etc. and the needs-based compensation of income differences.

What we offer

Currently we focus on designing and setting up web apps / websites / blogs as well as their necessary server infrastructure. An important requirement is to develop central aspects of the software together either with the clients or with potential users. In addition, privacy and application security are further supporting pillars in all our development processes.

You can find an overview of the technologies we use here.

An excerpt of projects in which we are / were involved can be found here.